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FlashPoint (USA) di Johns & Kubert

Aperto da Occhi nella Notte, 17 Aprile 2010, 14:59:34

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THE Comic Vine Review by Sara 'Babs' Lima

The final issue of Flashpoint is here, marking an end of an era and the start of a new one for DC Comics. Grab a box of tissues, sit down, and read one of the most beautiful superhero endings ever written.

If the final issue of Flashpoint #5 doesn't bring a tear to your eye, then you have no heart. Here it is, the last issue marking the end of an era for DC Comics as the publisher prepares for the relaunch of their entire universe. So how did the culmination of this event fare? Caution: some spoilers below.
The Good

The greatest thing about comic books for me is the way they make me feel about the characters. I become attached and I love them a little bit. I think it's that way for a lot of comic book readers -- we all become a little bit invested in the things that happen to the characters and the way that they evolve. I think Geoff Johns knows this, and he used that here, in the final issue of Flashpoint.

Like the Rolling Stones said, "you can't always get what you want," and Barry Allen learns that the hard way. In his attempt at saving his mother's life, Barry alters the entire course of history. He sacrifices the lives of millions so she can live, and he learns the hard way the repercussions of his actions. Barry isn't only faced with the harsh reality that he would have to lose one of the most important people in his life, but he deals with the fact that in this case he is not the hero, but the villain for the first time. At the end of the day, the hero can't always win everything and save everyone. At the end of the day, there is always one life that will get away -- and sometimes it is for the greater good.

Johns draws an interesting parallel between the loss of Barry Allen to that of Bruce Wayne, whose entire career as a superhero has been due to the loss of his parents. In this ending, Barry gets to say goodbye. He gets to see and touch and smell her one last time before he makes the decision to let her go. It's poignant and sad, and it's a luxury Bruce Wayne never had. At least Barry gets to keep his memories.

Bruce Wayne's tough outer shell is not often stirred or broken. He is stoic not only in appearance -- his toughness surpasses his exterior and permeates deep within him. He is cold, hard and unmoving -- which is probably why when he actually shows some emotion, it's so powerful. The latter half of the issue is absolutely brilliant and will surely move even the most stoic of readers.
The Bad

As good as it was, I can't call Flashpoint a perfect issue. I can't say that yes, it was flawless in absolutely every way because it was not -- no matter how deserving it is of it's perfect score. There were scenes in this issue that felt disconnected from the Flashpoint story as a whole. The most jarring moments were those that featured the characters from the different Flashpoint offshoot books (Project Superman, Lois Lane and the Resistance to name a few). The scene where Grifter appears accompanied by The Resistance is erratic and doesn't fit into the final issue. It feels out of place. Yes, I get that these characters appear to reinforce that the heroes have banded together and are fighting, united, against the Atlanteans and the Amazons -- but it feels unnecessary.

Initially, I also thought that Flashpoint #5 would have acted as a bridge between the old universe and the new universe which launches with the release of Justice League #1. However, the reasons for the reboot don't feel explained and remain unclear as far as Flashpoint is concerned.

While these might be considered "flaws," I still don't think that the writer should have tried to incorporate all of these elements into the final issue. Johns didn't expound upon Grifter and the Resistance or the appearance of Superman because it would have been too much. The appearance of these characters in the issue was enough -- anything more would have taken away from the bigger story.
The Verdict

This is, quite frankly, one of the most beautiful books I have read in a long time. Everything from the explanation of what Flashpoint is and how it came about, to the gut wrenching, tear-jerking moments at the very end; if you go out and buy anything this week, make it the final issue of Flashpoint.

5 Stelle su 5

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The Batman (2022) - Batcycle 🦇 REEL

The Batman (2022) McFarlane by Jim Lee 🦇 REEL 🦇

Fedele all'Ordine di Saint Dumas e al Pipistrello
Combatteremo le idee con idee migliori

Green Hankey

I've got new kidneys. I don't like the colour.

Ikki di Phoenix

Questo comicvine comincia a piacermi  :asd:

"Il fuoco... Un ardore fiammeggiante quale non avevo mai sentito prima di allora, un odio spropositato e dirompente mi sovrastava. Nel mio animo sembrava fluire un magma  incandescente, come se il mio cuore avesse preso a eruttare lava come un vulcano improvvisamente ridestatosi dopo anni di silenzio. Quella folgore, quella brace che sembrava sopita dentro di me aveva ripreso a bruciare, inarrestabile. Sentiii tutta la forza delle stelle esplodermi in petto.  Una smania irrefrenabile di uccidere mi assaliva. Dovevo saziarla."



The Batman (2022) - Batcycle 🦇 REEL

The Batman (2022) McFarlane by Jim Lee 🦇 REEL 🦇

Fedele all'Ordine di Saint Dumas e al Pipistrello
Combatteremo le idee con idee migliori

Selina Kyle

Maccio..  :cry:
Queste parole dette da te, che non sei "sentimentale" ed emotivo come me nel relazionarti ai fumetti, valgono tantissimo..

Una mela al giorno...

Ikki di Phoenix

Ah mi sono dimenticato di dire che disegnati da kubert i nuovi costumi di bats e flash sono una figata pazzesca... mi piacciono persino gli stivali di Barry, sprizzano un'idea di velocità incommensurabile!

"Il fuoco... Un ardore fiammeggiante quale non avevo mai sentito prima di allora, un odio spropositato e dirompente mi sovrastava. Nel mio animo sembrava fluire un magma  incandescente, come se il mio cuore avesse preso a eruttare lava come un vulcano improvvisamente ridestatosi dopo anni di silenzio. Quella folgore, quella brace che sembrava sopita dentro di me aveva ripreso a bruciare, inarrestabile. Sentiii tutta la forza delle stelle esplodermi in petto.  Una smania irrefrenabile di uccidere mi assaliva. Dovevo saziarla."


Who is "Flashpoint's" Mystery Woman?

"Flashpoint" #5 and "Justice League" #1 – the only two comics published this Wednesday by DC Comics – share a lot in common. Both books mark milestones in their respective eras of continuity at the company. Both were written by DC CCO Geoff Johns. Both feature an all-star lineup of the publisher's biggest heroes. But one there's one more shared detail buyers of the comics may not notice at the outset: the appearance in both places of a new, mysterious character.

During the race towards the end of the old DCU in "Flashpoint," Barry Allen encounters a cosmic female character who speaks to him as (in a not-so subtle piece of metafiction) characters from DC's Vertigo and WildStorm publishing groups were folded into the main superhero continuity. "You must all stand together. The timelines must become one again," she explains.

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Eagle-eyed readers of "Justice League" may have caught the character again – this time showing up as a sideline observer in young Vic Stone's football victory:

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

CBR News has heard from several sources that the woman will be "Easter Egged" into every single first issue of DC's New 52 titles, leading to suspicion about a major crossover or universe-spanning story to come. Reached for comment, a spokesperson for DC said the publisher could share nothing about the character at this time.


The Batman (2022) - Batcycle 🦇 REEL

The Batman (2022) McFarlane by Jim Lee 🦇 REEL 🦇

Fedele all'Ordine di Saint Dumas e al Pipistrello
Combatteremo le idee con idee migliori

Bruce Wayne

In Animal Man l'abbiamo già trovata.  :lol:

The Joker



Citazione di: The Joker il 02 Settembre 2011, 13:35:17
Pareri imparziali sulla mini?

Ci sono stati pareri di tutti i tipi  ^_^
Il mio consiglio è prova la mini principale  :P e al massimo ci aggiungi anche quella di Azzarello-Risso  :ahsisi:

The Batman (2022) - Batcycle 🦇 REEL

The Batman (2022) McFarlane by Jim Lee 🦇 REEL 🦇

Fedele all'Ordine di Saint Dumas e al Pipistrello
Combatteremo le idee con idee migliori

Captain America

The Joker

Ma tanto è sicuro che la prendo comprensiva dei 5 volumi tie-in, non sapevo se aspettare il cartonato di dicembre per finire di leggermela per intero o riprendere da dove avevo lasciato tramite boom :sisi:

Buddy Baker

Per chi ha già finito FP, viene data una spiegazione a come farà Barbara a tornare a camminare o lo scopriremo nel primo numero della sua serie?
Nel caso non spiegatemi come, ditemi solo se si o no!  :rolleyes:

Ex Capitan Marvel, ex edo


Citazione di: Buddy Baker il 02 Settembre 2011, 15:08:47
Per chi ha già finito FP, viene data una spiegazione a come farà Barbara a tornare a camminare o lo scopriremo nel primo numero della sua serie?
Nel caso non spiegatemi come, ditemi solo se si o no!  :rolleyes:

No verrà spiegato nella sua serie regolare  :ahsisi:

The Batman (2022) - Batcycle 🦇 REEL

The Batman (2022) McFarlane by Jim Lee 🦇 REEL 🦇

Fedele all'Ordine di Saint Dumas e al Pipistrello
Combatteremo le idee con idee migliori

Buddy Baker

Citazione di: Azrael il 02 Settembre 2011, 15:10:22
Citazione di: Buddy Baker il 02 Settembre 2011, 15:08:47
Per chi ha già finito FP, viene data una spiegazione a come farà Barbara a tornare a camminare o lo scopriremo nel primo numero della sua serie?
Nel caso non spiegatemi come, ditemi solo se si o no!  :rolleyes:

No verrà spiegato nella sua serie regolare  :ahsisi:

Cavolo, in questo modo diventa una delle tante serie di cui mi interessa il #1 per sapere come si è arrivato a quel punto (Red Hood e la JLI sono altre due), dovrò cercare un po' di riassunti su internet mi sa

Comunque grazie mille per la risposta

Ex Capitan Marvel, ex edo