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FlashPoint (USA) di Johns & Kubert

Aperto da Occhi nella Notte, 17 Aprile 2010, 14:59:34

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Selina Kyle

Quanto ha ragione. :D
Del resto puoi dire "ti amo" e sentirlo in maniera profonda ogni volta, o no? E il "ti voglio bene" detto alla mamma o a un amico è diverso.. è lo stesso discorso. La ripetitività dei temi non è un problema di per sè, è l'approccio al tema, la chiave di lettura, che fa per ognuno di noi la differenza.  :up:

Una mela al giorno...

Green Hankey

Flashpoint 1 già sold out  :w00t:

Each week, THE SOURCE's ongoing FLASHPOINT FRIDAY feature is *the* destination for FLASHPOINT news. Continue to check out THE SOURCE every Friday throughout this summer.

And yet sometimes there's FLASHPOINT news on a Monday that won't hold til Friday. Today, for instance, we've got breaking news: FLASHPOINT issue one has already sold out.

Congrats to Geoff Johns, Andy Kubert, Sandra Hope, Nick Napolitano, Adam Schlagman, Rex Ogle and Eddie Berganza.

If you haven't already picked up issue one and you're wondering what everyone is talking about, head on over to GAWKER's i09 interview with Geoff Johns that was posted over the weekend. Geoff discusses all things FLASHPOINT, including Cyborg's relevance to the series–and the modern world. "The truth is, we're all cyborgs with cell phones and online identities. He's a hero who plugged in 24/7 and constantly in touch with technology and information. He's a product of the day, he really is the twenty-first century everyman."
I've got new kidneys. I don't like the colour.


Si Avevo letto! Un Evento Epico!!!!!!



Azzarello Unmasks The Batman of "Flashpoint"

Spoiler WARNING: Major spoilers lie ahead for "Flashpoint" #1, which went on sale last week. Consider yourself warned


The Batman (2022) - Batcycle 🦇 REEL

The Batman (2022) McFarlane by Jim Lee 🦇 REEL 🦇

Fedele all'Ordine di Saint Dumas e al Pipistrello
Combatteremo le idee con idee migliori

Green Hankey

dalle full solicit di agosto si capisce perchè la DC abbia lasciato nella settimana finale solo l'uscita di Flashpoint 5: durante tutto il mese molte serie avranno doppie uscite o comunque ci saranno molte chiusure di story arc.

Questo vuol dire che il DCU verrà cambiato da Flashpoint molto più di quello che all'inizio pensavamo  :wub:
I've got new kidneys. I don't like the colour.



The Batman (2022) - Batcycle 🦇 REEL

The Batman (2022) McFarlane by Jim Lee 🦇 REEL 🦇

Fedele all'Ordine di Saint Dumas e al Pipistrello
Combatteremo le idee con idee migliori


è XS.
nel FCBD è bianca perchè il colorista l'ha presa per jessy quik

"I have taken way their confusion and replaced it with obediance. I have taken away their fear of themselves and given them a fear of Darkseid. I have liberated them from the chaos of indecision. I have given them one straight path! One purpose! One goal: TO DIE FOR DARKSEID!"


stampata la mappa e appesa alla scrivania.
cosi' si fa!

"I have taken way their confusion and replaced it with obediance. I have taken away their fear of themselves and given them a fear of Darkseid. I have liberated them from the chaos of indecision. I have given them one straight path! One purpose! One goal: TO DIE FOR DARKSEID!"



The Batman (2022) - Batcycle 🦇 REEL

The Batman (2022) McFarlane by Jim Lee 🦇 REEL 🦇

Fedele all'Ordine di Saint Dumas e al Pipistrello
Combatteremo le idee con idee migliori

Lois Lane


HE SOURCE: In issue one of the WORLD OF FLASHPOINT, we see the impact of the war on real world locations including Paris and New York. Why focus on those cities?

REX OGLE: I came up with three visuals that I thought nailed the social climate of a world on the edge of a terrible war. I picked Paris, because I wanted to show some mass destruction on the frontlines, and it's a place people are familiar with (from movies and TV, if not first hand). Same with NYC—it's iconic.

Also, I thought if the world were ending, how would people act on these streets I call home?

Will the series also explore DC Universe cities like Gotham and Metropolis?

REX: Metropolis and Gotham both get a lot of love in PROJECT: SUPERMAN and BATMAN: KNIGHT OF VENGEANCE (respectively), so I aimed for a more global tour of the world. After all, it is called WORLD OF FLASHPOINT. But Traci 13 does touch down in Gotham and finds a very unexpected ally.

Issue 2 expands the scope of the series even further, as Traci 13 travels around the world to Africa, Asia, and North America and South America.

REX: Don't forget Australia, Antartica, and Europe! Traci 13 travels to every continent. But it's not about the locations so much as the people she meets along the way. Expect plenty of cameos.

What area of the world has been the most impacted by the war between Aquaman and Wonder Woman?

REX: The entire planet has been affected by the Amazon-Atlantean feud, though none quite as deeply as Europe.

What, if anything, can you tell us about the global council that makes up H.I.V.E.?

REX: Hmmm, there's a scientist, a dictator, a madman, and of course a very scary kid. Who doesn't love a creepy kid?

I really scored some rad cameos, drawing deep from the massive well of DCU characters and put together people I thought might be brought together under these kinds of dire circumstances.

What made Traci 13 the right protagonist for this series?

REX: Here's this young girl with an immense amount of power at her fingertips, but she doesn't quite know how to use it in the beginning and it causes her to lose her family. I think anyone can relate to not being smart enough as a kid and making mistakes.

Also, her last name is "13". I still think that's cool.

Are any of the characters in THE WORLD OF FLASHPOINT actually better off than the versions we have known in the DC Universe?

REX: Wow. Great question. (No comment.)

The action in THE WORLD OF FLASHPOINT may well bring dire consequences to the world's population. Just how big of a threat is set in motion in the first issue?

REX: Hmmm. The stakes involved? About 118 million lives, including pretty much all of our fave heroes and villains. And to think, Traci is only 15 years old. NO pressure.

The Batman (2022) - Batcycle 🦇 REEL

The Batman (2022) McFarlane by Jim Lee 🦇 REEL 🦇

Fedele all'Ordine di Saint Dumas e al Pipistrello
Combatteremo le idee con idee migliori


bhe uno scatenarsi di una guerra cosi', con una dimostrazione tale di potere è quello che intendo per fantapolitica che adoro.
lo scenario è fighissimo, davvero, ogni volta che leggo qualche novità aggiungerei alla spesa una mini...voglio dire nazisti e zombi?compro...è d'obbligo.

"I have taken way their confusion and replaced it with obediance. I have taken away their fear of themselves and given them a fear of Darkseid. I have liberated them from the chaos of indecision. I have given them one straight path! One purpose! One goal: TO DIE FOR DARKSEID!"

Lois Lane

Citazione di: KAL il 20 Maggio 2011, 19:28:13
bhe uno scatenarsi di una guerra cosi', con una dimostrazione tale di potere è quello che intendo per fantapolitica che adoro.
lo scenario è fighissimo, davvero, ogni volta che leggo qualche novità aggiungerei alla spesa una mini...voglio dire nazisti e zombi?compro...è d'obbligo.

Ikki di Phoenix

io posso solo dire questo...


'nuff said.

"Il fuoco... Un ardore fiammeggiante quale non avevo mai sentito prima di allora, un odio spropositato e dirompente mi sovrastava. Nel mio animo sembrava fluire un magma  incandescente, come se il mio cuore avesse preso a eruttare lava come un vulcano improvvisamente ridestatosi dopo anni di silenzio. Quella folgore, quella brace che sembrava sopita dentro di me aveva ripreso a bruciare, inarrestabile. Sentiii tutta la forza delle stelle esplodermi in petto.  Una smania irrefrenabile di uccidere mi assaliva. Dovevo saziarla."

Green Hankey

concordo con l'admin.

Mi sta piacendo ogni fottutissimo dettaglio di questo evento.  Io  prenderei letteralmente tutte le mini  :lolle:
I've got new kidneys. I don't like the colour.

Matches Malone