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Green Lantern (USA) di Jeremy Adams & Xermanico

Aperto da Man of Steel, 25 Gennaio 2023, 18:11:14

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Man of Steel

Green Lantern's New Series Quarantines Earth From the DC Universe

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Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

The visionary  team of Jeremy Adams and Xermánico (Flashpoint Beyond) present a tale of redemption, loss, and finding out that maybe you can go home again, in Green Lantern. Spinning out of the events of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Guardians of Oa at the heart of the Green Lantern Corps have quarantined Sector 2814, home of the planet Earth—and its champion along with it! A heartbreaking defeat has sent Hal reeling, returning home to rediscover his roots...and find the man responsible for ruining his life: Sinestro. At least if he's willing to hot-wire a power ring to do it. 

Green Lantern #1 is available at local comic shops on May 9 and also features part one of John Stewart: The Good Soldier from writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Action Comics) and artist Osvaldo Montos (Entropy)—a war journal epic begins anew.

Prima Flash ora Green Lantern? Jeremy sta seguendo le orme di un certo writer eheheh! :dsi:
Che swag il nostro Sinestro eh, hai capito! :asd:
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

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No matter how small...or big we are.


Arkin Torsen

Che boss Sinestro  :lolle: i giovani forse direbbero "maranza"  :asd:
La miglior vendetta è vivere bene, e stronzate del genere (John Constantine)
Il mio saggio su Batman pubblicato da Oblò è disponibile qui:


We are called Cybermen. We were exactly like you once, but our cybernetic scientists realised that our race was getting weak. Our lifespan was getting shorter, so our scientists and doctors devised spare parts for our bodies until we could be almost completely replaced. Our brains are just like yours, except that certain weaknesses have been removed. Weaknesses like... emotions, pain. You will become like us. You will be upgraded.


Quindi alla fine la serie dedicata a John Stewart è saltata?

Man of Steel

No no, qua hai le back-ups scritte da PKJ che gettano le basi per la ongoing che verrà lanciata sempre da lui più in là, mentre...suppongo che questa testata di Jeremy Adams abbia preso il posto di quella di Tamaki eeee onestamente è meglio così! :asd:
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.


È certo direi proprio che è meglio così  :lol:

Man of Steel

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Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Art and cover by XERMANICO
John Stewart backup written by PHILLIP KENNEDY JOHNSON
John Stewart backup art by MONTOS
Variant covers by LUCIO PARRILLO and IVAN REIS
1:25 variant cover by DANIEL SAMPERE
1:50 variant cover by ARIEL COLON
1:100 variant cover by XERMANICO
5th-color variant cover by PETE WOODS
$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 5/9/23
Spinning out of the events of Dark Crisis, the Guardians of Oa at the heart of the Green Lantern Corps have quarantined Sector 2814, home of the planet Earth—and its champion along with it! A heartbreaking defeat has sent Hal reeling, returning home to rediscover his roots...and find the man responsible for ruining his life: Sinestro. From the visionary team of Jeremy Adams and Xermánico (who brought you the epic Flashpoint Beyond) comes a tale of redemption, loss, and finding out that maybe...just can go home again. At least if you're willing to hot-wire a power ring to do it. Also featuring part one of John Stewart: War Journal from writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson and artist Montos!

Dai che Dawn of DC potrebbe rivelarsi un Rebirth 2.0! :pray:
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.


Contento di questa run, ma un po' deluso per Kyle e Guy. Continuano a essere missing.

Man of Steel

We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.

Man of Steel

Art and cover by XERMANICO
John Stewart backup written by PHILLIP KENNEDY JOHNSON
John Stewart backup art by MONTOS
1:25 variant cover by RAFAEL SARMENTO
1:50 variant cover by CULLY HAMNER
$4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 6/13/23
Hal Jordan's homecoming is off to a rocky start! Carol Ferris is this close to firing him from the job he's only just begged his way into, his power ring isn't exactly working right, and off in the shadows, Sinestro, the architect of Hal's current crisis, is waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Plus, the hard-hitting "John Stewart: War Journal" backup series from writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson and artist Montos heats up as the Guardian John Stewart and his team, the Watchtower, fall under siege from a mysterious new threat!
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.

Man of Steel

World's Finest Fan Q&A: Jeremy Adams - Green Lantern

CitazioneHi Jeremy,

First, I am sad to see that your time with Flash is concluding. Your run on the book has been fantastic, and it bums me out that it will be coming to an end. Is there any chance you will sneak Wally, Linda, and the kids into an issue or two of Green Lantern? Were you hoping to do a crossover between the books at any point?

- Derek

Man, thanks, Derek. Mayyyyybe, but not to any great extent. "Uncle Hal" might seek out his red-headed nephew at some point, but right now, I need to concentrate on Hal getting his life in order, which will take up a lot of pages!

Jeremy, what are some of your favorite Hal Jordan stories from the past? Did any inspire your upcoming run?

- @CeltiC527

[When] Geoff Johns on Green Lantern and Peter Tomasi was on Green Lantern Corps was peak GL for me. I don't know if it gets more epic than that period of time. The Corps mythology and Hal's characterizations will spill over into this series quite a bit.

Hal's mostly been in space and disconnected from things happening on Earth. What are you hoping to bring back to the forefront as the run starts? Will we see any other Lantern colors during your run?

- @NewTSage

For the first question, I'm hoping we, as an audience, will get reacquainted with Hal and legitimately fall in love with him as a person, as a hero, and as a guy trying to do the right thing. For the second question, well, that all depends on sales. lol. DC Editor Paul Kaminski and I have some really big ideas that would incorporate a lot of the GLC, so let's all cross our ring fingers that we'll get there.

Why the emphasis on Sinestro? Is there something about him that you feel hasn't been explored (enough) yet?

- @Edokwin

Sinestro was something DC wanted to keep in the book. I had to think on it for a while, trying to get a hook into the character and figure out what the heck Sinestro could be doing on Earth that would be interesting to the audience. I think I have something cool.

Hello Jeremy!

I know it's kinda cliche to start like this, but I want to say how much I love your work. Your Flash run is legitimately one of the best comics I've ever read. Not to mention your screenwriting work on stuff like Battle of the Super-Sons and the Mortal Kombat Legends series has been absolute joys to watch. So when I heard you would be writing the new Green Lantern series for Dawn of DC and that you would be reuniting with Xermánico from Flashpoint Beyond, I was ecstatic. Out of all the characters you're writing for in GL, which character have you had the most fun getting to write?

Much love,

- Owen Seyler

Man, thank you for the high praise. That's hard to say. I've really got to throw my heart out there with Wally, but the most FUN... It's probably Johnny Cage (look for him in the upcoming Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match) or Gold Beetle. My sensibilities are mostly silly, so they lend themselves to my type of insanity.

Could you maybe bring Razor and Aya into comics?

- @BoosterRdT

I would REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like to bring them into the books somewhere down the line.

Hal and Sinestro have one of the most complicated hero/villain rivalries in the DC universe. We've seen great writers like Geoff Johns write astonishing stories featuring the dynamics of these two characters. I really would like to see your opinion about the frenemy relationship between them. Also, Geoff Johns left an unfilled part in his run, which is how Sinestro was kicked out of the corps and broke with Hal. Will you pick up that story in your run?

Thank you.

- Maud

I might now! Lol. It's hard because Sinestro has really risen to a top-tier enemy, so is there a place for a friendly relationship? I don't think so. I think Sinestro's story, right now, is uniquely tied to why he's on Earth, and why that is remains a mystery.

lel, bellissimo constatare che mi trovo o meglio...che praticamente TUTTO il GL fandom si trova sulla stessa lunghezza d'onda! :lol:

Nessuna sorpresa nel vedere che le storie di Geoff vengano nominate così tante volte, però c'è tanto amore anche per gli altri Corps, Sinestro e persino la TAS per pg come Razor e Aya! :wub:

Ormai di Jeremy mi fido, pure i fan ci sono rimasti male per la chiusura del suo Flash (nabbi del cazz alla DC oh...) sono certo che sarà una grande gestione, speriamo che gli diano modo di raccontare tutto ciò che ha in mente!
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.


Il corpo delle lanterne verdi è stato sempre criminalmente snobbato, a me la corsa di Tomasi piaceva tantissimo

Man of Steel

Stavano anche sfornando roba mediocre, proprio ci voleva un rilancio in grande stile fatto come si deve.

Jeremy Adams su Hal e PKJ su Stewart promette davvero bene imho. :zuzu:
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.

Man of Steel

Letto #1
Numero BOMBA...letteralmente. :lol:
Ormai con Jeremy clicco a bestia, avere le stesse vibes che ho con Geoff è normale, ma questa volta non era solo un deja vu dove si rivive i greatest hits di Highball Jordan, ma Jeremy è andato proprio a riprende svariati piccoli plot points delle storie di Geoff, riga per riga, Secret Origin, you know?

A parte che la storia del suo comeback ogni tot di tempo è un po' quella di The Rock nel mondo del Wrestling, con le solite frasi che i fans conoscono a memoria e VOGLIONO sentire di nuovo.

Hal che distrugge un jet, Hal che ritorna nella vita di Carol, con lei che ha un ragazzo, Hal che cerca un lavoro...heh.

This is what readers love, qualcosa di familiare, con qualche sprizzo di canon nuovo e infatti le premesse sono già interessanti, no Guardian, but only United Planets, pianeta Terra sotto quarantena e Sinetro che si nasconde sulla Terra? Hrm... :mmm:
Bellissimo vedere come Coast City si senta sicuro con Hal, Adams ha già colto le cose importanti di questo pg. :lol:
Molto felice di avere Xermanico alle matite, sarà una gran bella testata, devono solo lasciare in pace il writer e dargli il tempo di fare ciò che vuole.

Back-up del buon PKJ su Stewart, per ora nulla da dire, però ovviamente seguirò la testata e confido in entrambi i writers, è un buon periodo per essere un GL fan!
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.