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Action Comics (USA) di Phillip Kennedy Johnson e AA. VV.

Aperto da Man of Steel, 16 Dicembre 2020, 19:20:25

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Man of Steel

[glow=red,2,300]New Creators Take on 'Action Comics' and 'Superman' in 2021![/glow]

Action Comics #1029 cover by Phil Hester

CitazioneIn March, Phillip Kennedy Johnson will begin penning both Superman and Action Comics, with several all-star artists joining him.
Writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson (The Last God, Future State: Superman: Worlds of War) flies from DC's Future State event in January and February back to the present DCU in March to join artists Phil Hester and Eric Gapstur for a two-part story that spans both Superman and Action Comics!

"I can't begin to describe what an honor it is to be writing Superman and Action Comics," said Johnson, "especially following one of my industry heroes, Brian Michael Bendis. One of my very earliest memories is the thrill I felt watching the Christopher Reeve Superman films for the first time. My goal for every issue will be to give readers that same physical reaction, and the same lofty aspirations that Superman inspires: the desire to be better than we are, and to do more than the world thinks we can do."

In "The Golden Age" part one on March 9 (Superman #29), Jonathan Kent is back from the 31st Century and fighting cosmic threats alongside his legendary father. But when an interdimensional breach opens near Earth, Jon recognizes the creatures that emerge: the cosmic leviathans that the Legion of Superheroes credit with the DEATH OF SUPERMAN!

And in the new backup series "Tales of Metropolis" story in the same issue, writer Sean Lewis (DC Future State: Superman of Metropolis) and artist Sami Basri (Harley Quinn) follow Jimmy Olsen on a quest to meet of some of the city's more colorful denizens, beginning with Bibbo Bibbowski!

Then in "The Golden Age" part two on March 24 (Action Comics #1029), as Superboy desperately tries to save Superman's life from the leviathans of the Breach, Superman discovers the Breach's shocking origins. But with his powers mysteriously fading, he is utterly outmatched. Can Superboy change the course of history and save his father's life? Don't miss this prelude to DC's MASSIVE Superman event!

Plus, in another all-new backup "Tale of Metropolis" story, writers Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad (Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman) join forces with Michael Avon Oeming to continue the Midnighter story that Cloonan and Conrad started in DC Future State. But is the DC Universe ready for Trojan Industries?

In the months following "The Golden Age" two-part crossover, Phillip Kennedy Johnson will continue writing both Superman and Action Comics with artists Scott Godlewski (on Superman) and Daniel Sampere (on Action Comics) before reuniting with Future State: Superman: Worlds of War co-creator Mikel Janín on a special Superman project—still to be announced!

Action Comics #1029 variant cover by Julian Totino Tedesco

"The work I'm doing now with Phil Hester, Scott Godlewski, and Daniel Sampere is already some of my favorite of my career," continued Johnson. "All three are wizards on the page, and the massive event that we're building up to in Action Comics is a considerably bigger swing than I ever expected to get in comics. It's no exaggeration to say it will change Superman's status quo forever and have a lasting impact across the entire DC Universe. The already iconic Future State: Superman: Worlds of War artwork that you've seen from Mikel Janín in recent months is just the tip of the iceberg of what he and I have planned together. Stay tuned, you will NOT want to miss what's coming."

Piani bigger than The Death of Superman e che plasmano tutto il DCU.

I fucking dig it, yo! :zuzu:

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.



Preferisco molto più la variant di Totino.

"The hell am I even doin'?"


Citazione"especially following one of my industry heroes, Brian Michael Bendis "

Mi sta già simpatico  :asd:

Man of Steel

We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.


Dici che è un po' un modo garbato di accompagnarlo all'uscita?

Man of Steel

Già, leggendo l'intera intervista mi ha dato proprio questa impressione. :lolle:

Infatti la prima cosa che farà, sarà togliere Jon dalle grinfie di Bendis, già solo per questo lo adoro. :asd:

Spero solo che lo faccia anche diventare un bambino come prima, ma ci vorrà del tempo per quello, spero non 100 numeri tipo quelli di Spencer per retconnare One more day di Spidey, ma heh fingers crossed!!!
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.



Arkin Torsen

Di recente ho letto un fumetto che ha scritto con Steve Orlando, ossia Kill a Man, e mi è piaciuto molto. In passato penso di aver letto qualcos'altro, perché il nome non mi era nuovo, ma non ricordo cosa.
La miglior vendetta è vivere bene, e stronzate del genere (John Constantine)
Il mio saggio su Batman pubblicato da Oblò è disponibile qui:

Man of Steel

backup story written by BECKY CLOONAN and MICHAEL W. CONRAD
art and cover by PHIL HESTER and ERIC GAPSTUR
backup story art by MICHAEL AVON OEMING
variant cover by JULIAN TOTINO TEDESCO
ON SALE 3/23/21
$4.99 US | 40 PAGES | FC | DC
"The Golden Age" reaches its conclusion in this issue that continues directly from Superman #29! Following an almost-deadly attack by an alien foe, the new Superman realizes that any threat could be the one! Neither Superboy nor Superman know what's behind this latest attack. Two words: the Wall.
Plus, in an all-new backup "Tale of Metropolis," writers Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad continue the Midnighter story they started in DC Future State. But is the DC Universe ready for Trojan Solutions?
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.

Man of Steel

Superman di Sampere:

Yeah, looks like kino's back on the menu, boys! :dyo:
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.

Man of Steel

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

backup story written by
backup story art by MICHAEL AVON OEMING
cover by MIKEL JANÍN
card stock variant cover by JULIAN TOTINO TEDESCO
ON SALE 4/27/21
$4.99 US | 40 PAGES | FC | DC
"Warworld Rising" starts here! A new chapter in Superman's life begins as the challenges of Dark Nights: Death Metal are causing Clark Kent to feel...a change in his powers. Is it possible the Metropolis Marvel could be losing a step? His struggles in taking down the creatures from the Breach would suggest as much! If he's going to continue to protect the people of Earth, he'll have to adapt—especially with threats like Mongul out there waiting to launch their biggest attacks on the Earth yet. That's right, those are Warworld battleships just outside our orbit, and they are heading straight for us!
Meanwhile, in the Midnighter backup story, the bad boy of the Authority has to figure out what Andrej Trojan is up to in the present if he ever wants to get back to Future State and swap places with the Midnighter of 2021, whom he left stranded on Warworld.
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.



The Batman (2022) - Batcycle 🦇 REEL

The Batman (2022) McFarlane by Jim Lee 🦇 REEL 🦇

Fedele all'Ordine di Saint Dumas e al Pipistrello
Combatteremo le idee con idee migliori

Man of Steel

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

    backup story written by BECKY CLOONAN and MICHAEL W. CONRAD
    backup story art by MICHAEL AVON OEMING
    cover by MIKEL JANÍN
    card stock variant cover by JULIAN TOTINO TEDESCO
    ON SALE 5/25/21
    $4.99 US | 40 PAGES | FC | DC
    "Warworld Rising" part two! After a war-torn battleship escapes Warworld and makes the perilous journey to Earth, Superman searches for answers about the identities of its mysterious refugees and their apparent link to the planet Krypton. Could there be other Kryptonians in the universe? Meanwhile, Atlantean scientists study the wreckage of the Warworld vessel...and make a shocking discovery that could change the balance of power on Earth.
    And in the backup story, stuck in the wrong timeline, Midnighter continues to gather intel on the Chrysalis in hopes of finding an answer. But will it cost him his relationship with Apollo? And who is being held captive at Trojan Solutions?
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.