Action Comics (USA) di Phillip Kennedy Johnson e AA. VV.

Aperto da Man of Steel, 16 Dicembre 2020, 19:20:25

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Man of Steel

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Action Comics #1057
As the Super-Family and Steelworks rebuild their city, a new Golden Age of Metropolis has begun...and not everyone is happy about it! As the charismatic but volatile young terrorist leader Norah Stone reveals herself and her vision for a city without Kryptonians, members of the Super-Family inexplicably start losing their powers...and a new team of metahumans emerges to take their place. Who is Norah Stone? And what's her strange obsession with Clark Kent? The newest arc of Action Comics begins here!

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Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Variant covers by JORGE JIMENEZ and CARLA COHEN
1:25 variant cover by FREDDIE E. WILLIAMS II
1:50 variant cover by JORGE FORNES
Artist Spotlight variant cover by GABRIELE DELL'OTTO
$4.99 US | 48 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 10/24/23

Superman versus Clark Kent! When the mysterious young Norah Stone drains Superman's strength and unleashes an impostor tyrant Superman on Metropolis in his place, a powerless Clark Kent is forced to face the monster alone. Who is Norah Stone? And can Clark protect his identity while fighting this impossible battle? Featuring Gene Luen Yang and Viktor Bogdanovic's return to the Super-Man of China!
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.


Potrei essermi trafugato la cover minimalista ed averla messa come sfondo del telefono  :asd:



Continua molto a piacermi vedere la Supes family radunata come se fosse davvero una famiglia, tutti sotto lo stesso tetto. Non so perché ma dopo la saga di Warworld e aver quasi rischiato di perdere Clark, questa cosa del fare gruppo attorno a lui mi fa emozionare.
Corben sempre un rullo compressore, non si ferma mai!

Home again part 2

Forte! Ritmo serrato, Jon puro e semplice, un robot (?!) e il soccorso di Clark. Meglio di così!Finale allarmante visto che Lois è
Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.
ma il pg alla porta è preso molto male..

Power Girl part 2

Stranamente mi ha interessato anche se non sono abituato a storie con troppe donne :mmm: Però ho apprezzato il fatto che Power Girl abbia messo in chiaro come il più delle volte venga esclusa dalla family..


Anche stavolta numero bomba imho. Voglio soffermarmi sulle "piccole" (grandi per me) cose di questo numero.
Clark che nonostante l'attacco terribile a Kara non vuole per principio abbattere il nemico, perché altrimenti non può imparare ad essere migliore...e qui ciaone! :wub:
Ma la cosa che più mi ha colpito/dispiaciuto è il momento padre e figlio con Jon... Il ragazzo chiede di tornare a giocare come ai vecchi tempi con il padre, ma ormai è cresciuto e ci sono i nuovi bambini ora che l'hanno "sostituito"... ecco, come se PKJ volesse girare il coltello nella piaga sul fattore crescita precoce attuata su Jon... maledizione :dowson:
Però la sua risposta è stata molto matura da parte sua, è vero.

Finale cool e scene d'azione sempre una bomba!

Home again part 3

Mi hanno messo davvero molta curiosità addosso circa il pg di Doombreaker, voglio capire fin dove si spingeranno con lui! Per il resto rimane una lettura freschissima, che punta sempre dritto senza perdere tempo!
E viene dimostrato come Jon in poche scene può offrire molto.. in chiave ragazzino...

Power Girl part 3

Oh nonostante ci sia un mucchio di testo, questa indagine non riesce ad annoiarmi! Sto leggendo con molta attenzione! "Paige" secondo me potrebbe anche stare tranquilla, nel senso, Clark ha fatto entrare in famiglia anche Otho e Osul, figurarsi se non accettano lei. Capisco il discorso sull'indipendenza e ora con il nome nuovo potrebbe a tutti gli effetti prendere la sua strada, ma è troppo "simile" a loro per distaccarsi totalmente..


Gran ritorno a sorpresa, non me l'aspettavo! E come ho detto in passato, il villain mi è sempre piaciuto fin dagli albori! Tanta curiosità e spero anche qualche news per il pg.
Altra grande lezione di Supes nei confronti del nemico, che era praticamente lì lì per tirare giù tutto! Incredibile Superman, Incredibile.. :wub:

Home again part 4

Argh questa rivelazione è un pò una stonatura.. abbastanza classico come twist.. :mmm: Non sono deluso ma difficilmente prenderà una piega differente la storia.

Engineer of tomorrow part 1

Rivelare la propria identità in pubblico non è mai una scelta facile e soprattutto furba, ci saranno delle conseguenze per Steel..anche se il pg è sempre stato tutto d'un pezzo!

"Non so da dove esce l'idea che gli angeli siano beati...a me fanno cacare sotto."

Man of Steel

SDCC: Phillip Kennedy Johnson Discusses Superman in Action Comics

CitazioneCBR: You've recently finished up Superman's War World Saga, which was great. What can you tell us about what's coming up next for the Man of Steel?

Phillip Kennedy Johnson:
We have just wrapped up the "Rise of Metallo" arc, which was a dream come true. Metallo has always been one of my favorite Superman villains ever. I wanted to see and use a more complicated version of Metallo than what we're used to seeing. He's extremely cool looking, like the Terminator with the kryptonite chest, and the look of his flesh coming off is so incredible and haunting. We don't always know why he's doing what he's doing or what makes him who he is, and I wanted to see more of what complicates him as a character. Like we did with Mongol in War World, I wanted to really pick Metallo apart, see who he is underneath, and give the fans a villain they can care about.

We did all that, and we got to pay some nostalgic love for the Death of Superman and the Reign of the Superman anniversary by bringing all those characters back for that event. And now, we're getting into a new arc. I am hesitant to spoil it, but I will say that readers who have been following my work from the beginning will be rewarded for that. I don't want to leave any threads dangling during my run, and there are a couple that I always wanted to pick up again. Those will be revisited in this run. I can guarantee that fans of my earlier Superman work are going to be very jazzed about what's coming!

Superman is clearly no longer the Last Son of Krypton, particularly with the introduction of the Super Twins. What can you share about this development?

I had the opportunity to write House of El for Future State and show the descendants of Superman 1000 years in the future. I've had a lot of questions over the years because I revealed that I have this whole family tree sketched out for generations. I do not want to reveal that family tree because invariably, there will be new writers that come on after me and make changes (as they should) for the benefit of their own stories. So I don't want to reveal what I believe that family tree to be.

I do, however, want to start to put some of those pieces on the board, and that involves the super twins. Also, John, Connor, and even the new leader of War World all play into that family tree. I wanted to pay homage to those old 80-page giant issues where we see a revolving door of Super-Family characters all getting their due.

With so many Superman Family members getting their own titles, who can we expect to see in Action Comics?

We're playing that by ear and figuring it out as we go. Steel Works now has its own book, but John Henry Irons and Natasha will continue to be the literal architects of Metropolis going forward, steering this initiative to make it the legit City of Tomorrow. They'll still be in the book, for sure. Beyond that, we're going to bring some characters to the forefront and relegate others to the background.

Still, everyone will get a turn because I want readers to know who all of these people are by their character and not by their appearance. I want to be able to put out an issue with just the word balloons and have every reader know who's speaking just by what they're saying. I want to make it very clear who all the characters are, what their motivations are, and how they fit into the family.

Are there any upcoming villains in Action Comics that you're able to reveal?

I don't want to give it away. The reveal of who the villain is would give away the whole direction of this next arc, and I don't want to do that. But when readers discover who it is, they're going to be stoked because it really does pay off a previous hanging thread.

Is there any particular moment coming up in Action Comics that you can't wait for fans to see?

We're going to have a team up that fans will never expect in a million years, and I'm really excited about that. All I'm going to tell you is that it's with someone outside the Super-Family, so keep your eyes open for that.
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.

Man of Steel

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Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Variant covers by JORGE JIMENEZ and CARLA COHEN
1:25 variant cover by TYLER KIRKHAM
1:50 variant cover by FRANCESCO TOMASELLI
Artist Spotlight variant cover by MIKE DEODATO JR.
$4.99 US | 48 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 11/28/23
As the forces of Norah Stone's Blue Earth take control of Metropolis, Superman dusts off his Warworld weapons and armors up alongside Steel to take their city back! Can even the House of El defeat this potent new threat?
Meanwhile, the shocking true identities of Norah Stone's mysterious family are revealed, building to a battle royale for the ages! A pivotal issue not to be missed!
PLUS: The conclusion to Gene Luen Yang and Viktor Bogdanovic's "New Super-Man of Metropolis", and Dan Parent (Kevin Keller) explores the world of Jon Kent like never before!
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.

Man of Steel

Letto Action Comics Presents: Doomsday Special
Scritto da my man Dan Watters, devono veramente dargli in mano una ongoing perchè questo writer ha tanto da dare, Rao volendo si stanno svegliando fuori.

In questo special va a toccare qualcosa che si vede pochissimo nelle testate DC regolari, ovvero il concetto di Inferno.
Bisogna sempre passare alle serie Vertigo per quello, tipo Hellblazer o Sandman, maybe even Swamp Thing.

Proprio Doomsday in Hell, in un certo senso mi ha ricordato la storyline di Aaron quando manda Wolverine all'Inferno e incontra Sabertooth, ecco qua a regnare è Doomsday...or is it? :dsi:

Nah, ovviamente è First of the Fallen lui e il suo odio per... *COLUI*.

Martian Manhunter insieme a Supergirl ha provato a tirar fuori un momento del genere:
Ci è riuscito...a suo modo, i guess, abbastanza horror. :asd:
E storia di Doomsday non termina qua, è appena iniziata, vediamo che piani hanno. :zuzu:
Gran bel numero tho.
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.

Man of Steel

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Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Variant covers by JIM CHEUNG and JORGE JIMENEZ
1:25 variant cover by DANIEL SAMPERE
1:50 variant cover by KAARE ANDREWS
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom variant cover by FELIPE MASSAFERA
$4.99 US | 48 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 12/12/23
A mistake from Superman's past has returned, and Metropolis hangs in the balance! As the super-family is betrayed from within and stripped of their powers one by one, Superman sets out on a suicide mission into the Multiverse alongside the unlikeliest of allies: Constantine, the demon Etrigan, and—making his return to Action Comics—Bloodwynd!

Plus: During "Beast World" in Metropolis, Dreamer has a run-in with life-changing consequences, and Zod's son begins to suspect New Kandor isn't as peaceful as it seems in the prelude to Kneel Before Zod #1!

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Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

Spiacente, ma non sei autorizzato a visualizzare il contenuto degli spoiler.

1:25 variant cover by SWEENEY BOO
1:50 variant cover by JON BOGDANOVE
$5.99 US | 48 pages | Variant $6.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 12/26/23
Norah Stone's true form has been revealed, her gateway between worlds is opened, and the invasion of Earth has begun! As the Multiverse's two most powerful families clash above Metropolis, which legacy will Otho-Ra choose? Will the followers of Blue Earth defend their treacherous leader, or their own home? It has all led to this! Three years of Action Comics storylines culminate in this pivotal, dramatic double-sized issue!
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.

Man of Steel

Awwww fuck.... :dowson:

Non c'è niente da fare...questa è la legge della natura... :nono:

We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.


Citazione di: Man of Steel il 18 Settembre 2023, 22:40:18Awwww fuck.... :dowson:

Non c'è niente da fare...questa è la legge della natura... :nono:

Cattive notizie? 🤔


We are called Cybermen. We were exactly like you once, but our cybernetic scientists realised that our race was getting weak. Our lifespan was getting shorter, so our scientists and doctors devised spare parts for our bodies until we could be almost completely replaced. Our brains are just like yours, except that certain weaknesses have been removed. Weaknesses like... emotions, pain. You will become like us. You will be upgraded.


Man of Steel

Ancora niente di ufficiale, ma le voci sono queste e che Waid prenderà il posto di PKJ, non so veramente cosa pensare, damn...
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.


Man of Steel

Waid su una ongoing di Superman è quel genere di LIFELONG MISTAKE che DEVE essere sistemato, un destino, qualcosa che DEVE avvenire per purificare un'ingiustizia subita.

A rimetterci sarà PKJ e quella che poteva essere la run definitiva sul pg, aveva ancora tanto da dare e da dire.

P.S. Si parla anche di Tom Taylor su una ongoing della JL post-Beast War, ma non la classica JL, ma una sotto la Waller con più OCs forse, una JLDark, rilancio di Aquaman con Sina Grace (meh), serie di Zatanna, ma la fonte non è molto attendibile quindi non so quanto crederci...
We're all searching for enlightenment.
But what is light?
Different for everyone. But everyone looking.

See what we want to see.
No matter how small...or big we are.
